In 2013, Beyond the Bell employed teens through the Mayor's Earn & Learn summer youth employment program to map youth-serving agencies throughout the area. This effort resulted in a comprehensive inventory of over 200 such agencies in Milwaukee County. The beta release of the map is below. Please note the following:
It’s a work in progress. As a beta release, the information on this site is constantly being updated. Information for some agencies may have changed prior to the release of this map, and some agencies may not have been mapped. If you have feedback, suggestions, or additions to the map please let us know.
Download the mobile app. The map is simply designed to illustrate the location of the agencies mapped. The "filter" feature at the bottom of the map will narrow your search. However, you can download the Beyond the Bell Milwaukee mobile app to locate agencies and also explore their mission, programs, and availability by location. Visit the Google Play or Apple App store to download.
There’s more data to explore. This map has the ability to incorporate other GIS (map) data for research, planning, and community building purposes. Potential data layers include CDBG areas, school district boundaries, police districts, promise zone areas, and aldermanic districts. Please share your suggestions for layers that you would like to see incorporated.
Watch a video about Youth Map Milwaukee here